Pre-Season = 7 Games, Wasted?

Just an opinion from me, because most people think that dropping teams out of the current 30 team league is the best way for the NHL to get better.

I'm not sure why the Pre-Season is 7 Games long. The pre-season could be four games long,start in early September and leave room for playoffs that start in March (or earlier if the season was shortened). This could move the NHL playoffs into a position to possibly be the only thing happening in sports at the time. I'm thinking that this MIGHT BE GOOD for the NHL and it's fans, and may even help bring in some new fans at the same time.

Here it is in language the NHL can understand:

Make the pre-season shorter (four games or less).
Only have a 74 game season.
No division leader gets a top three playoff spot (give them a banner or plaque).
Enforce new rules evenly across entire league, for the ENTIRE season and playoffs.
Yearn for a Canadian team. Don't stop eveyone who said it in their bid for a franchise.

That's pretty clear... Right? Anyone who has trouble understanding should ask and I will explain fully what I mean above. I can only imagine what it would be like to witness a playoff series without hearing about the ice conditions. Just trying to follow a bouncing puck, while beating the heat with a cold Canadian in my hand, is hard enough.

I can dream can't I?

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