TSN kicks CBC Ass

A quick post about how much better TSN is getting at Marketing to me, as a part of the current generation of avid HOCKEY watchers, by creating campaigns like this "more Canadian content" commercial. Believe me its funny and makes you think all at the same time... as soon as someone, besides me, decides to put it on the internet I'll add it to the blog.

I've gotta say that this is something I'm looking forward to much more than an outdated dinosaur who seems more worried about sensationalism, fashion, and fighting then the game that is being played on any given night. I've always hated how "that show" has become a soapbox for a tired and outdated set of opinions without much care for the big picture of hockey.

I just wish TSN would do some more research about the AVERAGE Canadian hockey fan, because I'm pretty sure they are NOT Leaf fans.

1 comment:

Oman said...

Yes, TSN is doing a somewhat better job I would say. Though they are still quite leaf centered, they are much more balanced than CBC or Rogers. Don Cherry is getting to be completely unbearable: he rarely talks about the game being showed; he contributes nothing new to any discussion of the game of hockey; his views on Europeans are outdated and offensive; and he talks way too much about things unrelated to hockey (war, troops, himself, what he said years ago, etc.). Their so called "coverage" of Ottawa games is also disgraceful. They often don’t even bother to update the Sens score between Leaf periods. Rogers also claims to cover the Senators, but they rarely stop talking about the Leafs long enough to throw out a Senators tidbit of little to no value, and their game coverage is only ever in the Ottawa region, so those of us outside that area have to watch horse jumping or some other crap. Maddening! The internet is now by far a better source of info, including videos of things Senators, than any major sports network. At least TSN shows a few Senators games and usually covers them after any possible news of Luke Schenn and company.